Booster Activities
All invited! Stay tuned for upcoming events! Check out our calendar for this year's dates
Where: Rocky Hill Road Cafe/Kitchen
Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Price: $10.00 with classes included with Mrs. Lewis our very own Close to my Heart Consultant...lunch is included on the Scrapbooking Saturdays!!
Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Price: $10.00 with classes included with Mrs. Lewis our very own Close to my Heart Consultant...lunch is included on the Scrapbooking Saturdays!!
General Mills Box Tops Program
Box Tops are found on hundreds of participating products throughout your grocery store. Just clip the box tops from participating products, send them to TCCA, and help us earn cash! For more information, please visit
Hannaford Helps Schools
Hannaford helps schools when you purchase participating products from your local Hannaford store. When you buy four participating products at Hannaford, you will receive one $3.00 school dollar certificate at the checkout register (buy eight and you will earn a $6.00 coupon etc).