Students' regular homework, parental involvement, teacher's assistance, catechism and memory work is important and ensures that the students derive the maximum benefit from their education at TCCA
Elementary and High School students will follow a rotating schedule through the Westminster Shorter Catechism. A catechism is simply a statement of faith in question and answer form.
A personalized explanations to the grade level will be given as a vital part of catechism instruction.
Catechism memory work for Kindergarten students will consist of memorizing the Ten Commandments during the course of the school year and one Bible verse per month.
*Elementary Cat. is shortened so that it can be easily absorbed and enjoyed
Memory Work
Memorization of Scripture verses (KJV) will be an integral part of Bible class in all grades - Kindergarten through High School.
Homework Guidelines
Homework is an integral part of the school program; therefore, each teacher will give homework to aid students to advance in their studies. Homework is given for drill, for remedial activity, and for special projects.
As a general rule, daily homework time should average approximately one half hour in the lower elementary grades, approximately one hour in the upper elementary grades, and approximately two hours per night in the high school grades. Senior high students planning to attend college should average over two hours per night on their homework. Each student is required to complete homework assignments on time. Parents can greatly assist the educational process by consistently seeing that all homework is completed properly and turned in when due. Parents should encourage neat legible handwriting on all homework papers.
Homework penalties:
- 1st offense - homework due the next day and extra work is assigned (about its equivalent).
- 2nd offense - homework due the next day and double extra work is assigned.
- 3rd offense - The student shall be sent to the department director or administrator for the third and any subsequent homework offenses.
Beginning at the fifth grade level, teachers may decide that an immediate visit to the department chairman or administrator or that a detention penalty may be more appropriate than following the above sequence.
A student with an excused absence is excused from homework for that day. However, he or she is expected to make up all missed class work promptly.
Notebook Guidelines
Elementary students will record their home assignments in their assignment books. All elementary students' homework is checked for completion daily by the teacher, and we request that parents assist the teacher by checking and then initialing each assignment.
High school students (grades 9-12) will be required to use large three-ring loose-leaf binders for all their high school subjects. Spiral bound notebooks shall not be used. Students will record all homework assignments in their homework assignment book, and keep the assignment book with their notebook(s).
Quizzes and tests are filed in the last sections of the notebooks for all subjects.
The teacher checks all high school homework for completion daily, and parents' initials will be required for assignments when a special request is made by the parent, department chairman, administrator, or teacher.
Because the student assignment book is essential to a successful academic year, lost student assignment books must be replaced and accounts will be billed accordingly.